
Video Marketing

The use of video in marketing has changed the way people search and buy services. Not surprising there are a number of factors that help viewers connect with material including video length but maybe somewhat surprising orientation also does. As the use of video continues to evolve and we get better at sharing information there are some ways to ensure your content stands out.

YouTube continues to be the number one video channel used by marketers. And although it is primarily used by more seasoned social media users, the ability to get on and start building your profile is relatively easy. If used well, building engagement through this media will set you apart from the competition.

The most significant part of having a YouTube channel is your ability to connect with prospects. Prospects will read your firm bio, check you out on LinkedIn and maybe look at your reviews on Google or award sites. What those sites do not offer is a sense of you, your mannerisms, and your social skills. Video adds a dimension that allows potential clients to understand you just a little bit more than they do through the written word.

A recent industry study by Social Media Examiner showed the most popular length of video is 1-3 minutes (39%) followed by 16-59 seconds (30%). What this tells us is that users don’t use YouTube to learn everything about their issue; they use it to learn enough to know you are an expert and they should call you.

People want to feel a connection and video is providing that. Individuals are willing to spend more time watching a video than reading an article, yet the amount of time to make an impression is still limited.

If you want to develop your YouTube presence you need to set up your profile and branding properly; invest in quality equipment or hire a professional to do the filming; keep your content focused and up-to-date; and make sure people can find your content. Once you have the basics done and want to kick it up a notch, consider collaborating with other lawyers or professionals which will further enhance your message. And don’t forget to have a plan for your content and post regularly. If you don’t keep up with postings your appreciative fans may find someone else’s more interesting.

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