Canada’s online legal magazine.

Comments by Email

Slawyers will notice that I’ve added a way of subscribing to comments via email. There has been an RSS feed for comments for a while, but because some readers are more comfortable with email, I’ve added the new function.

The new subscription box is in the sidebar to the right. Please let me know if you experience any difficulties with it. . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Taxonomy 201

In my last post, I briefly described my pragmatic approach to taxonomy creation at our law firm. Of course, the comments were more interesting than the initial post – the key issue being whether someone like me should “share” my taxonomy with fellow SLAW participants.

There is precedent, at least in Toronto, for the collaborative development of legal material. For example, the “Toronto Opinion Group” meets monthly to share ideas (and even drafting) on common issues in third party legal opinion transactions.

It strikes me that Simon F identified the two key issues – does a firm perceive some competitive . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

LEXIS and the Disappearance of Local Platforms

Slawyers will be interested in a report on the Australian Law Librarians Group website about issues relating to Lexis in that country and the disappearance of the local platform “Butterworths Online” in favour of a global platform. I refer in particular to this paragraph: “LexisNexis businesses in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, New Zealand, Canada and Austria are currently working through a similar process of retiring their original, locally-developed online legal research platforms (where they existed) and moving their entire customer base and online legal content libraries to the same platform that you know as LexisNexis AU. In New Zealand . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Justice Rothstein Welcomed to the Supreme Court of Canada

From: News.Release.@Supreme.Court
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 1:50 PM
Subject: News release – Communiqué de presse

Ottawa – March 1, 2006 – The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada, welcomes the appointment by Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein to the Supreme Court of Canada. “Justice Rothstein brings to the Court superb experience, both as a lawyer and a judge, and he has a profound commitment to the rule of law,” said Chief Justice McLachlin. “I look forward to the contribution that this distinguished jurist will make to the work of the Court. And I . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Email, RSS and the Future

Many of us see blogs as just the first driver for everyone to be able to read syndicated feeds on their computers. The next major wave of syndication will be one-way business communications, some of them personalized.... If we're lucky, it will even be digitally signed, and possibly encrypted (although that will probably take years to get right).
Posted in: Miscellaneous

LLP and KM

The lead article in the February Canadian Lawyer Magazine is a piece by Philip Slayter...who, curiously, refers to himself in part as having been “a dean of a law faculty”: a bit on the generic side, I'd say, for a tiny place like Canada. The law school in question was the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Ontario.
Posted in: Miscellaneous

ScanLII Project Update

By way of the CanLII listserv, Principal Editor Ivan Mokanov has just announced that the first two hundred Supreme Court of Canada decisions prior to 1985 have been digitized and published on the CanLII website.

If you surf to the SCC decisions page above, you can see that the years 1976 to 1984 have been fleshed out and are ready for more material. It’s good to see that while the decisions are scanned, they are also OCR’d and made available (and searchable) in full text format.

A great project, and very necessary… Encore CanLII, Encore!!! . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

New Law Libraries

I’m going to what looks to be a fantastic ABA conference on law school facilities: “Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation” in Seattle in late March. Its very timely for us as Osgoode is hoping to engage in a major renovation programme in the next couple of years, and the library will be a verybig part of that. My question for Slawyers – all of you use law libraries I’m thinking – use your imaginations and tell me what features you’ve always wanted to see in a library. I’ve got a lot of ideas of course but it would . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

The Marshall Rothstein Pages

Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Federal Court of Appeal has been nominated by Prime Minister Harper to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court of Canada. The Office of the Commissioner of Judicial Affairs has put together a website on Mr. Justice Rothstein that contains a good deal of information about the person and his professional work.

However, upon further examination of the website, we at Slaw felt it could and should be improved upon. Accordingly, we present:

The Marshall Rothstein Pages . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

A Question, Mr. Justice

As all the world (nearby) likely knows by now, Mr. Justice Rothstein will attend at a meeting of an ad hoc committee made up of members of Parliament in order to answer their questions concerning… exactly what, we’re not yet sure. This will happen on Monday afternoon, February 27.

Here’s the deal: What question would you like the committee to pose to its guest?

Slawyers, write in over the weekend — via comments — with that all-important question, and we’ll do what we can on Monday morning to make them available to, well, all the world. Remember, only one question. . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Friday Ruminations …

Back to the serious business of law libraries. (Are you kidding? Late on a Friday afternoon?)

I’d like to take a few moments to commiserate (not to be mistaken for whining) with other librarians, particularly solos, who bravely bear their burdens alone.

Here’s my last couple of days (you’ve had days like this, too, I know)

I’m slugging my way through an uncommonly large backlog of information and research requests. I’m thinking that I might almost have it under control by the end of the week if I really work my butt off and sequester myself away. But then . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous